Friday, September 7, 2018

God has you covered in ALL seasons

Have you ever felt like God was calling you into a new season in your life you weren't sure you were ready for?  I feel like that lately.  The girls are back in school and we're all getting back into a routine.  I'm trying to be more productive, maximize my time better, so I've started getting up at 5am.  Yes y'all, AM, like when it's still dark out.  Let me say, when I heard about this idea from multiple people/sources about getting up an hour before everybody else to have some 'me' time, I was NOT a fan.  See, I like sleeping in, I like hitting the snooze 5 times and setting my clock 15 minutes earlier than I need to really get up.  Also though, I like staying up late, that's usually my 'me' time.  After the kids go to bed and it's quiet, that's my time.....or it's supposed to be.  Somehow though, I found other undone items for work and usually spend that time just working more. 

I know I was desperately craving time in my schedule so I could put me first, but the only person that was up to, was ME.  I've heard several people call it different things, the Miracle Morning, Setting your day for Success, there's a long list.  The one that really jumped out to me though was Rachel Hollis when I saw her movie recently called Made For More.  She just released one of THE most epic books ever and if you're a female, click directly over to Amazon and buy it RIGHT NOW, actually buy two copies and give one to a friend.  Buy Girl Wash Your Face  In the movie though, she said something that resonated so much to me.  She said, if you can't give yourself one hour out of 24, I mean, c'mon sisters......ONE HOUR. 

I know God is calling me back into a season of writing but I wasn't sure I was ready for it because lately each time I sit down to write, I think, "What do I have to say now that I've been in remission for 4 years and Lainey for 5 years?"  See, I felt like when I was in the middle of that storm, I had a lot to say, but now I struggle if there's still a message for me to deliver.  But I also think that's a little bit of the devil trying to talk me out of what God has called me to do, how do I know though?

Here's what I know.  Our family has been through a lot y'all, like a whole, WHOLE lot and somehow we made it through without falling apart.  Looking back sometimes and remembering, it's like I'm watching a movie with someone else in it.  How in the world did I find the strength to get through that?  Then I'm reminded, I didn't, HE DID.  God gave me what I needed in that season to make it through and I really believe if we listen closely to him, He will continue to give us what we need to make it through every season.  We also though, have to set aside time to pray and listen.  Doesn't need to be you getting up an hour before everybody else in your house like I do now, what about 15 minutes?  Just grab a cup of coffee, read a 5 minute devotional and listen before the rest of the house gets up.  I actually love the First 5 app too by Proverbs 31 Ministries, it's a great quick resource to start your day.

My heart is heavy today because one of my girlfriends lost her mother to cancer earlier this week after a long battle and today are the services.  I really got up this am to focus on praying for her and her family but I also know that God called me to write this and now I know why.  Each of our seasons will have their battles, some seasons we are battling others and some we are just battling ourselves.  Whether it's negative self talk that you're not enough and God can't use you, or something as devastating as losing your mother, no matter the battle or the season, God has you covered. He's there to hold your hand and walk you through it.

Join me today and say this prayer, "God, this season I'm in is hard and I don't know the plans you have for me but I'm choosing to trust in them and most importantly you because I know the love you have for me.  Please meet me where I am God, in this moment, right now and fill me with your love and joy.  I need you now and ask your guidance to help me find my path in the days and weeks ahead."  Also, say a prayer for my sweet friend Christy today.  Ask that God lift her up and her family during this very difficult season and that she know and feel God surrounding her with love today.  Love is Louder friends, always louder.